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Simulation Software for Drive Square Simulation System™

Drive Square's patented driving simulation hardware platform works with a number of software simulation engines available on the market to support a variety of applications. Below is a list of software packages that we currently support.

Adiona™ Driving Simulator by Drive Square, Inc.

The basic version of Adiona™ is the most commonly chosen and cost-effective option for driving simulation software. It is frequently employed for general driver safety training, DUI/DWI prevention programs, marijuana-intoxicated driving, and demonstrations of texting while driving. A professional version of Adiona™ is used in law enforcement, firetruck, and ambulance re-training. Moreover, it is possible to network several simulators together, enabling drivers to see each other's vehicles while practicing in the same pursuit scenario. Fleet operators also use Adiona to provide their drivers with opportunities to practice safe driving skills.

STISIM Drive™ by Systems Technology, Inc.

STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Rain with poor visibility
STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Snowy and slippery mountain road
STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Pursuit - cars react to siren
STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Drunk driving demonstration
STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Intersections at a beach town
STI Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
Construction Zones

Choose STISIM Drive™ software for a light-weight versatile low-cost simulation engine. Easy, script-based driving scenario and terrain design. Data collection is a snap. Make video files or DVDs of your drive.

Selected screen shots are shown on the right. Click to see a larger image.


Krauss Maffei Wegmann (KMW) Training & Simulation™

KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot
KMW Driving Simulator Software Screenshot

Choose KMW software for exceptionaly high quality video rendering.

Selected screen shots are shown on the left. Click to see a larger image.

Virtual Battlespace VBS3™, VBS4™ by Bohemia Interactive

VBS Screenshot
VBS Screenshot
VBS Screenshot
VBS Screenshot

Choose VBS3/4™ software for training that goes a little beyond driving.

Selected screen shots are shown on the right. Click to see a larger image.

For additional information e-mail: or call 1-617-762-4013 x.2