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Driving Simulator for Police, Fire, Ambulance EMS Training

BUY From USD $35,500

The Drive Square Driving Simulator is portable and easy to use. It can be brought to a location of convenience, instead of the drivers traveling to a training center. All drivers can be trained in a familiar vehicle, such as a police cruiser, ambulance or a fire truck.

Whether a part of an EVOC training course or a centerpiece of your annual Refresher course, the Drive Square Simulation System will allow your drivers to keep their edge by safely practicing:

General First Responder driver skills:
Law Enforcement specific:
Fire Truck specific:
Police Driving Simulator Set-up - goggles (HMD) head shot Fire Ladder Truck Driving Simulator Set-up with Outriggers Ambulance E-450 Driving Simulator Set-up

A number of driving scenarios have been designed to re-create real-life situations. You will see traffic (mostly) yielding in response to your siren. The pursued vehicle can be set to behave in a more compliant or more aggressive manner, or it could be manually driven by your instructor.

Both "multi-player" and "single-player" system configurations are available.

Emergency Vehicle Operator and First Responder training is supported by the following software packages: STISIM, KMW. If a multi-player environment is essential for you, or shooting or other simulated activities need to be integrated with your training, you may want to consider Virtual Battlefield VBS3/4 software as well.

Since Drive Square Simulators are the most versatile driving simulators on the market there are a few additional benefits to owning one:

When not using the simulator for EVO training, take it to your local school to show teenagers the dangers of drunk driving, cell phone use and texting. Some of our law enforcement customers use the simulator as a part of the D.A.R.E. program. You may even qualify for local, state or Federal grant money to purchase the simulator.

Wherever you go, the Simulator is a media magnet. Take a look at some of the news clips.

We support a number of software simulation packages and can put together a simulator that addresses the specific goals of your training program.

For pricing and additional information:
e-mail: or call 1-617-762-4013 x.2